Five Months

Loving life. And blowing raspberries with her tongue out.

Five months ago today, Luna came into the world after a short (thank goodness) five-hour labor. I remember it went so quickly that Dad was stumped when the midwife told him to put on the gloves (to catch the baby), because he didn’t know why he’d need them so early in the process.

At five months, Luna is a slobbery ball of sunshine. She loves giggling, “flying,” and naps. For activities she especially enjoys her Jumperoo and can stay in there for nearly an hour, just minding her own business.

She has figured out how to roll from back to belly now, but if she does this when she’s napping and her arm gets stuck underneath her, she can’t figure out how to roll back over and it causes her great distress.

All smiles.

The activities of her younger days, like sleeping face down on a bed, farting and the bouncer are now over. How fast they grow up.

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